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You can configure and manage users on the Users screen.

The team manager can configure the following roles:

  • Team Manager: The team manager can access all the application features and has the privilege to configure and manage (customer care) roles.
  • Agent: The agent can access the Chat Console of the application.
  • Analyst: The analyst can access only the reports section of the application.

You can perform the following actions on the Users screen:

  • Add User (Individually/Bulk)
  • Search User
  • Disable User
  • Edit User Details
  • Download User Details

Add User

To add a user, follow these steps:

  1. Click Add User button on the top-right corner of the users screen.

The following screen appears.

  1. Enter the following details:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Login ID
  • Email
  • Password
  • Confirm Password
  • Job Description (Optional)
  • Select the Role from the drop-down list. The user can either be an Agent, Analyst or a Team Manager.
  • Select the Business Unit, Location and Job Description from respective drop-down list.
  • Select the required parameter from Login Using the drop-down list for logging into the chat console. The Team Manager can configure the login parameter as either the Login Name, or Email ID, or Both for the user.
  • Enter the threshold for the user.
    Admins can configure number of chats that an agent should handle in threshold field.
  • Click Save.
  • Click Invite to send a notification to the user’s given Email ID.



If team manager selects Save option while adding a user, an invite will not be sent to the user’s Email ID.

Upload Users

This feature enables you to add users to the team in bulk. You can upload a .csv file with the following details to create users in the team:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Login ID
  • Email ID (if different from the Login ID, else can be left blank)

To upload users,

  1. Click Upload Users on the top-right corner of the users screen.

The following screen appears.

  1. In case of conflicts, a report is generated and provided for download. The conflicts count is displayed on the screen.
  1. Click Download button, to download the error report. This report is downloaded as .txt file.
  1. On successful upload of a list, the following screenshot is displayed.
  1. Click Proceed. The following success message appears on the screen.
  1. Click Ok.
    You will be navigated to the Upload Users screen.



The Business Unit, Location and Job Description data cannot be added to a user through the upload process. These details can be added only while creating users individually using the ‘Add User’ option.

Track Upload Status

This feature enables you to check the status of the bulk uploaded users file and downloads a detailed report of failed uploads.

The status list displays the following information:

  • File Name: Specifies Name of the .csv file.
  • Uploaded On: Specifies Date and Time on which the file was uploaded.
  • Uploaded By: Specifies Name of the member who uploaded the file.
  • Status: Specifies Status of the upload file. The status can be Completed/Completed with Errors/Failed/Uploading.
  • Action: Specifies the link to download report.

To track upload status, follow these steps:

  1. Click Track Upload Status icon on the top-right-corner of the screen.
  2. Select the Date Range from the calendar.



Selection of dates is limited to 16 days only. The system will not allow the user to select next day preceding the 16th count.

  1. Click Apply and the date range is recorded. Click SEARCH and the list is filtered and displayed on the screen.
  1. You can view the details of the failed uploads by clicking the Download Report in the Action column.
  2. You can fix the errors and re-upload the file to proceed further.


The report can be sorted in ascending or descending order based on File Name, Uploaded On, Uploaded By, and Status.

Search User

This feature enables you to search for a specific user with a keyword.
To search a user, enter the keyword (Name/Email ID/User ID) in the search text field. The results are displayed based on the given keyword.


Manage User details

You can modify the user details as per the business needs.

To edit user details, follow these steps:

  1. Click Edit icon in the actions column of a specific user.

The following Edit users screen appears.

  1. Click Save to record the modifications.

Disable User

You can disable any user in the team when needed. If a user is disabled, access to the application will be denied. However, the conversations handled by the user will still remain on the application.



If any Agent, Analyst or Team Manager is Disabled, it will not affect the chat history within the team.

To disable a user,

  1. Click Disable icon corresponding to the user name in the actions column. The following confirmation message appears on the screen.
  2. Enter the disable reason in the Disable Reason text box. The Disable Reason is an optional field and the character limit for it is 150 characters.
  3. Click OK, to disable the user from the current team.
    A success message appears on the screen.

Download User Details

You can download the user details on the local drive.
To download user details, click Download Users button.


The details are downloaded into a .csv file.