Webex Engage enables agents to search for chats (within a team) based on the following Search By filters:
- Agent ID: Helps to search all chats within the current team that an agent has handled before or is still handling.
- Name: Helps to search all chats in which the Name of the customer exactly matches (case insensitive) with the search parameter.
- Customer ID: Helps to search all chats in which Customer ID exactly matches (case insensitive) with the search parameter.
- Mobile Number: Helps to search all chats in which the customer's Mobile Number exactly matches (case insensitive) with the search parameter.
- Email ID: Helps to search all chats in which the Email ID of the customer exactly matches (case insensitive) with the search parameter.
- Twitter ID: Helps to search all chats in which the Twitter ID of the customer exactly matches (case insensitive) with the search parameter.
- Livechat ID: Helps to search all chats in which the Livechat ID of the customer exactly matches (case insensitive) with the search parameter. Here, Livechat ID is the customer's Email Id that is used to initiate a chat on the Livechat channel.
- Chat ID: Helps search all chats in which the Chat ID or Alias Chat ID matches (case insensitive) with the search parameter.
- Tags: Helps to search all chats with Tags matching one of the Tags mentioned in the search parameter.
- Priority: Helps to search all chats with Priority matching one of the priorities selected from the search parameters.
- Routing Parameters: Helps to search all chats with configured route parameters matching one of the parameters mentioned in the search field.
In addition to the above primary filters, agents can also apply ‘Chat Status’ as a secondary filter.
The chats can be filtered on the basis of one of the chat statuses: All, Open, Closed, On Hold and In Queue.
Search Chats by Agent ID
Team managers or agents can search chats based on Agent ID. The search results will display all chats that were handled by the selected agent irrespective of the status of the chat. This option is useful for agents or team managers to view all historical chats handled by an agent along with the details of the other agents involved (as part of chat transfers) in those chats. Click Agents Link of the respective chat to view the agents involved.
View Chat Log
Once the search results are displayed, the agent can click Chat Icon to view the chat conversation for a particular chat.
Print Chat Log
The agent also has an option to print the chat log. This option is available on the chat log pop-up window of a particular chat.
Click Print Icon to print the files.
Load Chat
Once the search results are displayed, the agent can load any chat that is either in Closed or On Hold status.
Agent can click Load Chat icon on the search results to load chats into Active Chats.
Recently Put On-hold and Recently Closed
In addition to search, an agent can view Top Five Recently Closed Chats and Recently Put On Hold chats by the agent.
Updated almost 2 years ago