Real Time Dashboard
Webex Engage allows client admins to make informed decisions using the real-time dashboard feature. The dashboard helps to track the activity of multiple teams grouped to generate the metrics. The client admin can select a maximum of 20 teams to view the metrics.
In addition to the dashboard, an Advanced Reporting feature is provided that supports various visualizations such as Pie Charts, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Scatter Plots, etc. This feature offers insights into team-wise incoming chats (with a drill down to each message), transfer activity of conversations, and performance metrics.
As part of advanced reporting, client admins can view or query the information from the database to build reports and dashboards as needed. Few reports are available by default. Client admins can add further reports or dashboards if required.
The real-time dashboard is categorized into the following:
- Chats Traffic
- Workforce Metrics
Chats Traffic
Chats Overview: This section displays the list of chats in ‘Open’ status. These chats include chats waiting in Queue, on Hold, and chats awaiting a response from the agent. These blocks show the chat percentage difference with respect to the last hour. The chat traffic is updated every 10 seconds on this screen. The agent should have sent the customer at least one outgoing message (MO) to display chats in this list.

- Open Chats By Status: The total number of chats that are in open status across all selected teams.
- In Queue: The total number of chats that are in queue across all selected teams.
- Engaged: The total number of chats that are currently being answered by the agents (chats that are in agents’ ‘My Chats’) across all selected teams.
- Put On Hold: The total number of chats that are in ‘on-hold’ status across all selected teams.
- Pending Response from Agent: The number of chats that are awaiting a response from the agents (from the total number of engaged chats).
- Pending Response from Customer: The number of chats that are awaiting a response from the customers (from the total number of engaged chats).
Split by Team
Split by team screen displays 2 charts.
- Chart1 – Open Chats by Status
- Chart2 - Chat Status vs Time Comparison
Chart1 – Open Chats by Status
A bar chart (graph) is generated for the selected teams. By default, the chart will display the metrics of Open Chats by Status. You can generate the chart based on responses pending from the agents. To do so, select Pending Responses from the drop-down available on the chart. You can download a chart in different formats such as PNG, JPEG, PDF, SVG vector, CSV, and XLS. Click View Data Table, to view the data that was used to create the chart. Click the respective bar to view the chats information such as Customer Profile, Last Message, Time Elapsed and so on.
Chart2 - Chat Status vs Time Comparison
This chart is used to compare chats in Queue/Engaged/On Hold against Avg First Response Time/Max First Response Time/Avg.Handling Time/Avg.Response Time. You can download a chart in different formats such as PNG, JPEG, PDF, SVG vector, CSV, and XLS. Click View Data Table, to view the data that was used to create the chart. Click the respective bar to view the chats information such as Customer Profile, Last Message, Time Elapsed and so on.
Average First Response Time: Average time for which a customer waits to receive the first response from the agent. (Time when the first message is sent by agent to time when the chat is created). This metric is calculated for all chats that have been created on that day (since 12:00 am ) and an average of those values is considered.
Maximum First Response Time: Longest time for which a customer waits to receive the first response from the agent. This metric is calculated for all chats that have been created that day (since 12:00 am) and the maximum of those times is considered.
Average Handling Time: This is the average time for which a chat stays with an agent (the time for which a chat stays within agent’s ‘My Chats’). This duration is calculated for all chats that have been created that day (since 12:00 am) and the average of those values is considered.
Average Response Time: This is the average time for which a customer generally waits to receive a response from the agent (Time when an agent sends a response to time when a customer sends a message). This is calculated for each message transaction within a chat. This duration is calculated for each message transaction for all chats that have been created that day (since 12:00 am) and the average of those values is considered.
Out of office hours are included in all these calculations
Workforce Metrics
The workforce metrics provide the snapshot of the agent work performance for the selected teams. Maximum 20 teams can be selected. Details such as number of Agents Logged In, Agents Accepting Chats, and Agents Not Accepting Chats can be viewed on this screen. Click on the respective buttons for detail information of the agent. The client admin also has the ability to search with either Agent Name or Agent ID within this list.
This section displays the following details:
- Agent Name: Name of agent.
- Agent ID (Login ID): ID of the agent.
- Current Status: Current status of the agent (i.e. Available/Unavailable/Break .etc.) on the console
- Time in Status: Time spent by the agent in the current status.
- Chats Created: Total number of new chats created by the agent since the last login.
- Chats Active: Number of active chats (excluding chats on hold) being handled by the agent.
- Chats Closed: Total number of chats closed by the agent since the last login.
- Unique Customers Served: Total number of unique customers served since the last login.
- Total In Time: Total duration the agent has been logged in (since the last login).
In case, the agent addresses few chats that were created before the agent had logged in, then the chats closed will be greater than chats created.

Updated almost 2 years ago