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Twitter Channel


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Webex Engage’s Twitter channel facilitates monitoring and responding to Twitter direct messages as well as public posts on the Twitter community. The client admin can monitor tweets or receive direct messages from one or more Twitter accounts. All these messages are created as chats within Webex Engage. The messages exchanged (either in the form of tweets or direct messages) are saved as the conversation history within a chat.

Using the Webex Engage Twitter channel, a business can do the following:

  • Integrate a Twitter account with Webex Engage
  • Respond to Twitter direct messages by the customers
  • Create Twitter sources using Keywords, Mentions, and Hashtags that refer to the business, products, or services.
  • Share a Twitter source across teams
  • Provide the ability to listen to social media tweets to a specific set of agents.
  • Convert tweets into chats or assign tweets as chats to other agents.

How Twitter Channel Works

Once a Twitter channel is set up for a team, customers can send a direct message to the agents by clicking the New Message button after logging into the Twitter account.

Once a Twitter source is set up by a client admin, an agent can listen to public tweets.

Agents can respond to Twitter direct messages or convert a tweet into a chat from Webex Engage Customer Care Console.

Set up a Twitter Account

Webex Engage’s Twitter channel supports Twitter accounts, that the businesses can use to grow brand awareness, provide timely customer service and connect with potential customers, brand advocates and influencers.

The client admins can manage (add and edit) Twitter assets to Webex Engage from Admin Console and these assets can also be viewed on the Customer Care Console.

Client Admin - Add Twitter Assets

To add a Twitter asset, a client admin should follow the below steps:

  1. Click the floating button on the bottom-right-corner of the screen and click Add Asset.

The following screen appears.

  1. Select Twitter icon and click Add. The client admin will navigate to the following screen.

  1. Enter the Asset Name to identify the asset and set the status to ACTIVE
  2. Select a Default Team from the Default Team drop-down list to route incoming chats on this handle.
  3. Select shared across teams to share the handle across the teams.
  4. Click SAVE.
    A success message appears on the screen. This asset will be listed on the channel assets screen.

Client Admin - Edit Twitter Assets

To edit a Twitter asset, a client admin should follow the below steps:

  1. Go to assets > channel assets
  2. Select Twitter channel.
  3. Click Edit icon in the actions column of a specific handle. The following screen appears.

  1. Edit the required fields and click Save.
    A success message appears on the screen.

Generate Twitter Keys

Follow these steps to generate twitter keys:

  1. Go to https://apps.twitter.com/.
  2. Click Create New App.
  3. Enter your Name, Description for the Twitter App and the Website.
  4. Ensure to check the Twitter Developer Agreement and click Create Twitter Application.
  5. Navigate to the Keys and Access Tokens Tab and Generate an Access Token with Read, Write and Access Direct Message permission.

For complete information on managing twitter sources, refer Manage Twitter Sources in Social Mentions section (Customer Care Console).

Team Manager - View Twitter Asset

Team managers can view all the configured Twitter assets on the Twitter page (Settings > Channels > Twitter).