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SMS Channel

As an administrative user, you can directly create an SMS asset only from the Webex Engage React UI. You can share the SMS channel asset across different teams. You can transfer conversations within or across teams and assign them to team queues, individual assignees, or skills, just like the behavior of the channels on the Webex Engage application.

Add an SMS asset

To add an SMS asset, follow these steps:

  1. Login to Webex Engage.
  2. Click the Try new version button on the top-right corner of the application.

The Webex Engage React application will launch.

  1. Navigate to Assets> Channel assets.
  2. Click the SMS channel tab.

  1. Click the + SMS asset on the top-right corner of the Channel assets screen.
    The following screen appears.

  1. Enter the Asset name and Short code.
  2. Turn ON the Status toggle to make an asset active.

Configure gateway:

You can use the Webex Connect gateway to send agent replies via SMS or divert them to a third-party system using the webhook configuration.

  1. Choose a configuration gateway, Webex Connect, or Webhook radio button.

  2. If you select Webex Connect gateway, the respective configuration settings appear on the screen.

  3. Enter the service key in the Service key field.

  4. Select a Gateway message type, GSM, or Unicode radio button.

  5. When you select Unicode, a banner message appears - Please note that choosing Unicode may result in higher billing due to increased character consumption above the Gateway message options.

  1. If you select Webhook URL, the Hook URL and Service key fields appear on the screen.
  2. Enter the URL in the Hook URL field.
  3. Enter the Service key.
  4. Turn ON the Send auto-responses and system messages when using APIs toggle to process the messages received via APIs against the configured auto-responses, Out-of-Office (OOO) messages, Right to be Forgotten (RTF) messages, unresponsive messages, regex validation, auto-assign to the last agent, and auto-response message for existing chats settings.

Team settings

  1. Select a default team from the Default team drop-down list.
  2. Select the teams from the Shared across drop-down to share the asset with different teams.
  3. Click Save.

Edit an SMS asset

To edit an SMS asset, follow these steps:

  1. Login to Webex Engage.

  2. Click the Try new version button on the top-right corner of the application.
    The Webex Engage React application will launch.

  3. Navigate to Assets> Channel assets.

  4. Click the SMS channel tab.

  1. Click the Edit icon in the Actions column of a specific asset.
  2. Edit the required fields and click Save changes.

A success message appears on the screen.

Update priority

To update an SMS asset's priority, follow these steps:

  1. Login to Webex Engage.
  2. Click the Try new version button on the top-right corner of the application.
    The Webex Engage React application will launch.
  3. Navigate to Assets> Channel assets.
  4. Click the SMS channel tab.

  1. Click the Update priority icon in the Actions column of a specific asset.

The following pop-up window will appear on the screen.

  1. Select a Priority from the Priority level drop-down and click Apply.
  2. If you select a priority other than P1, the Auto escalation rule(s) toggle appears.

  1. If you turn ON the Auto escalation rules(s) toggle, the auto escalation configuration options will appear.

  1. Select the escalation time from the Auto escalate priority after drop-down in minutes and click Apply.



  • As per the chosen priority, you can add number of escalation rules.
    Example: If you select priority as P2 then you can add one escalation rule. If you select priority as P3 then you can add two escalation rules, etc.
  • If you select priority as P1 then the Auto escalation toggle will be greyed, and you cannot select it.

Search an SMS asset

To search for an SMS asset, follow these steps:

  1. Login to Webex Engage.
  2. Click the Try new version button on the top-right corner of the application.
    The Webex Engage React application will launch.
  3. Navigate to Assets> Channel assets.
  4. Click the SMS channel tab.

  1. Enter the search criterion in the Search input field above the table results.

The respective results will appear on the screen.

Customise display of table

The Customise Display helps you select a list of columns you want to preview in the table results.

To view customise table results, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Customise display drop-down on the top-right corner of the results table.

  1. Choose the required columns from the list by selecting the checkboxes adjacent to each column name.

You can instantly view the results on the screen by checking and unchecking the checkboxes.



By default, Asset name and Actions columns are preselected and cannot be disabled.