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This endpoint allows you to update details of an existing user within the application

Request Body Params:

Param NameData TypeDescription
first_namestringFirst name of the user
last_namestringLast name of the user
statusenumUpdate status of the user:

- active

- inactive
job_descriptionstringJob description of the user
login_using_emailbooleanStates whether the user is allowed to login using email address
custom_attributesOBJECTCustom attributes mapped to a user
skill_attributesOBJECTA JSON object containing skill attributes of the user.

Response Body Params:

Param NameDescription
status_codeDenotes the status of the response. Detailed guide can be found here
descriptionStates the description of the status_code. Gives you information about the success/error
responseContains details of the current resource fetched/updated/created

User List View OBJECT:

Param NameData TypeDescription
idintegerUnique identifier of a user
created_atdatetime - UTC formatDatetime when the user was created on the application
created_atdatetime - UTC formatDatetime when the user was last updated on the application
first_namestringFirst name of the user
last_namestringLast name of the user
login_idstringLogin ID of the user
email_idstringEmail ID of the user
statusenumCurrent status of the user:

- active

- inactive
logged_inbooleanStates whether the user is currently logged into the application
job_descriptionstringJob description of the user
login_using_emailbooleanStates whether the user is allowed to login using email address
role_typeenumRole Type of the user:

- Customer Care

- Administrative
accepting_chatsbooleanStates whether the user is ready to accept chats currently
skill_attributesOBJECTA JSON object containing skill attributes of the user.
active_chatsintegerNo. of chats being handled by the user in his/her My Chats currently

Response Codes

status_codeHTTP StatusDescription
4309200User updated successfully
2002400Invalid header param - could not find mandatory header parameters
2003400Invalid Access Token
2004401Access Token expired
2007500Internal Server Error
2010404Could not find details of team based on the teamid passed in the header
2099405Method not allowed
3101404Requested user was not found
3104500The user update failed
3107400The value provided for the custom attribute 'business' is not valid.
3110400The value provided for the custom attribute 'location' is not valid.
3114400Request body not provided
3115400Request is invalid