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This endpoint allows you to update an event/rule's response asynchronously on a chat wherein the initial response was an synchronous acknowledgement alone.

Request Params

Param NameData TypeDescription
transidstring - Preferrably a GUIDUnique identifier of the request (optional)
updatedresponseOBJECTJSON object containing the latest response from the source system

Response Params:

Param NameDescription
status_codeDenotes the status of the response. Detailed guide can be found here
descriptionStates the description of the status_code. Gives you information about the success/error
responseContains details of the current resource fetched/updated/created

Trigger Resource

Param NameData TypeDescription
chatidstringUnique identifier of a chat
team_idintegerUnique identifier of a chat
trigger_namestringName of the Trigger
transidstring - Preferably a GUIDUnique identifier of the trigger
triggered_ondatetime - UTC formatTimestamp when event/rule was triggered
updated_ondatetime - UTC formatTimestamp when the trigger was last updated
responseOBJECTContains the JSON response from the backend systems

Response Codes

status_codeHTTP StatusDescription
4312200Trigger updated successfully
2002400Invalid header param - could not find mandatory header parameters
2003400Invalid Access Token
2004401Access Token expired
2031404Provided Chat ID does not exist
2007500Internal Server Error
2010404Could not find details of team based on the teamid passed in the header
2099405Method not allowed
2031404Chat ID provided does not exist
3114400Request body not provided
4107500Unable to update the details